These slides are from a keynote at a conference in Blackpool in October 2023.
Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a scaffold for inclusive practice, I walk colleagues through a toolbox of ideas to transform the experience of every learner every day in their classrooms
If you were there, I hope these are a helpful aide-memoire. If not, I hope they make enough sense without me to be useful. If you’d like to download them, you can do so via this page on slideshare.
Further Resources
Here are some further resources you might find helpful to build on the session:
- GUIDE: Supporting Children Who Struggle to Go to School
- DOWNLOAD: Sensory audit for schools and classrooms
- DOWNLOAD: See the Child Sheet for child-centred meetings
- BITESIZE CPD: Autistic Friendly Classrooms
- BITESIZE CPD: EBSA/School Anxiety – Starting the Day Right
- BOOK: Mentally Healthy Schools Workbook
- eLEARNING: Enable Children to Feel Safe so They Can Flourish
- VIDEO: YOU need to be calm when a child is anxious – why + how
- VIDEO: Quiet Praise Ideas – for kids who struggle with praise
- VIDEO: Managing Worries using Share it, Shelf it, Shout it, Shed it
- DOWNLOAD : Comfort Audit To Prevent Sensory Overwhelm
- DOWNLOAD : 4 Domains of Safety Worksheet
- DOWNLOAD : Anxiety – Feeling Safe Activity
- DOWNLOAD : Anxiety Exposure Ladder
- DOWNLOAD : ‘Things I Can Do Now’ Template
***For more information about my speaking and training work,take a look at my speaker pack below, check out my speaking page or email my lovely agent Ellie.***