Latest Resources
DOWNLOAD: My Anxiety Triggers Worksheet
Resource by Kate Seaman to support children to identify and explore their anxiety triggers
VIDEO: Ideas to Help Children Feel Safe and Supported
Video exploring simple steps to enable you to be the kind of adult who enables children who are struggling to feel supported and safe.
KEYNOTE: Autism & Eating Disorders
The session explores the interplay between autism and eating disorders and staff can support young people with this comorbidity.
DOWNLOAD: Feeling Understood Prompt
This prompt will help young people write, draw or otherwise creatively explore who makes them feel understood and why.
PODCAST | Ideas for Reducing Autistic Overwhelm
A range of ideas for reducing sensory input and calming things down when the world feels a bit too much.
DOWNLOAD: Energy Boosters vs Drainers
This is a simple resource to help children identify things that add to their emotional piggy bank vs things that drain it.