Latest Resources

BITESIZE CPD: Using Puppets & Play to Explore Feelings
In this session, we explore how we can use puppets and play to explore feelings with children. These ideas are designed to be very introductory.

KEYNOTE: Autism & Eating Disorders
The session explores the interplay between autism and eating disorders and staff can support young people with this comorbidity.

VIDEO: How we talk about children matters.. here’s why
In this video, I explore the different ways we might describe the same child and the impact this can have

BOOKS | 5 Recent Reads & Micro Reviews
In 34 seconds I show you 5 of my most recent reads and what I thought of them…

BITESIZE CPD: How To Be a Safe Adult
Slides and resources for a session about the 5Cs that children need from the adults who work with and care for them if they’re to feel safe.

6 in 60: Neurodiverse friendly Communication
Six tips in sixty seconds for Neurodiverse friendly Communication