February 29, 2024

WEBINAR: Healthy Habits for Happy Staff

These slides were developed for the South Central Teaching School in Spring 2024.

Here’s the session overview:

Healthy Habits for Happy School Staff

This session is all about exploring little things that will make a big difference. Habits can be easy to develop and hard to break, so we’re going to use that to our advantage and consider tiny habits which
boost wellbeing, connection, belonging and joy. Everyone can cherrypick their personal favourites to take away and we’ll also explore how some of the habits could work across groups and teams.

If you were there, I hope these are a helpful aide-memoire. If not, I hope they make enough sense without me to be useful. If you’d like to download them, you can do so via this page on slideshare.

Further Resources

Here are some further resources you might find helpful to build on the session:

***For more information about my speaking and training work,take a look at my speaker pack below, check out my speaking page or email my lovely agent Ellie.***

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