March 13, 2024

KEYNOTE: SEND & Mental Health

These slides were developed for a conference in Spring 2024.

Here’s the session overview:

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Learners with SEND

Mental health issues are highly prevalent, but under-recognised within our SEND population.  We’ll consider why this is and the simple steps that we can all take to create an environment and culture which prevents rather than exacerbates mental ill health for our more vulnerable students.  By the end of the session, you’ll have the tools and practical ideas you need to write and enact simple child-centred action plans for individual students as well as a wealth of ideas that could be applied universally to enable every student to thrive.

If you were there, I hope these are a helpful aide-memoire. If not, I hope they make enough sense without me to be useful. If you’d like to download them, you can do so via this page on slideshare.

Further Resources

Here are some further resources you might find helpful to build on the session:

***For more information about my speaking and training work,take a look at my speaker pack below, check out my speaking page or email my lovely agent Ellie.***

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