June 18, 2024

WORKSHOP: Self-Care Skills for Exhausted Educators

These slides were developed to empower busy school staff to look after their own wellbeing. Here’s the session overview:

Self-Care Skills for Exhausted Educators
You’ve done so much for your students and their families these past couple of years; so this session is all about you. We’ll be exploring some skills and habits you can develop to promote your own wellbeing as we enter the next stage of the pandemic, whilst remaining realistic about the amount of time and resource we can each dedicate to looking after ourselves.

If you were there, I hope these are a helpful aide-memoire. If not, I hope they make enough sense without me to be useful. If you’d like to download them, you can do so via this page on slideshare.

Further Resources

Here are some further resources you might find helpful to build on the session:

***For more information about my speaking and training work,take a look at my speaker pack below, check out my speaking page or email my lovely agent Ellie.***

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