October 29, 2022

PODCAST: School Anxiety: Starting The School Day Right

The latest episode of my podcast is now available:

In this episode, I explore three Rs for starting the school day right for children who are struggling to attend due to EBSA (emotionally based school avoidance)/ school anxiety/ school phobia.

The three Rs are reception, routine and regulate.  

This episode looks at what happens when a child arrives at school and there are lots of ideas for adults supporting the child both at school and at home; outcomes are best for children when all of their supporting adults work together as a team.  

I hope it’s helpful!  If you like these ideas and want to share them with your team, take a look at the bitesize CPD session in the links which is a slide set sharing these 3Rs. 


If today’s episode piqued your interest, you might be interested in the following:

Visit my podcast’s homepage to search all past episodes or find links to listen via a wide range of platforms.

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