Latest Resources

VIDEO: Tell Them That You Love Them
In this video, I explore why it’s important that we tell our children that we love them. I also explore the different ways of doing this.

KEYNOTE: Leading Well, Staying Well
These slides explore how to lead well whilst staying well in the context of the challenges we’re facing in 2022.

GUIDE: Six Simple Breathing Strategies
Six breathing strategies for parents, carers and other supporting adults to try with their child.

VIDEO: Problem Solve Out Loud
In this video, I explore the idea of problem-solving out loud so that we can role model how we work through issues to our children.

IDEA SHARING: Adjustments for Autistic Children
A wide range of ideas from my network about high impact ideas for supporting autistic children

VIDEO: Hold it together by taking a breath
A quick tip about how to keep your cool when faced with a child who is very anxious or very angry