Latest Resources
6 in 60: Neurodiverse friendly Communication
Six tips in sixty seconds for Neurodiverse friendly Communication
PODCAST: Panic Attacks – How to Help
In this episode, I explore simple steps that you can take to support someone during a panic attack.
KEYNOTE: Supporting Children Who’ve Experienced Loss or Bereavement
Slides and resources from a session sharing a range of practical ideas for supporting children and young people who’ve experienced loss or bereavement.
KEYNOTE: Anxiety and Low Mood Session for Parents/Carers
Slides and suggested resources for a parent and carer training session about low mood and anxiety.
VIDEO: Quiet Praise – Ideas for kids who struggle with praise
In today’s video, I explore some simple ideas for expressing pride and praise when supporting a child who doesn’t respond well to praise.
KEYNOTE: Trauma – What You Need to Know, Do & Teach
Slides and resources which explore what trauma is and what our role is in supporting trauma experienced students